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Acts 10:1-23, Expansion of the Gospel (Meeting between Cornelius and P…

관리자 0 35 04.07 11:54
Acts 10:1-23, Expansion of the Gospel (Meeting between Cornelius and Peter)

  God chooses people to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Today’s text shows the gospel being spread beyond Samaria to Gentiles. The first fruit of the Gentile mission was Cornelius. Let’s apply today’s words to our lives.

1. God chose Cornelius to spread the gospel to the Gentiles (1-3).
  He was a Roman centurion, a devout man who feared God with his entire family, gave much alms to the people, and always prayed to God (1-3)

2. God receives Cornelius’ piety and speaks to him (4-8).
  God speaks to both Cornelius and Peter the same way.

3. God speaking to Peter (9-23)
  Peter breaks the prejudice that only Jews are the saved people chosen by God, meets Cornelius, a Gentile, and obeys God. This is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Dear saints,
  God expands the gospel in surprising ways that we cannot imagine. Like the Gentile Roman centurion Cornelius, the Jewish Peter is connected to Cornelius through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let us all be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and spread the gospel according to God's will and guidance. As someone who has gained eternal life and heaven by believing in Jesus Christ, I bless you to be used as a worker in the kingdom of God who evangelizes to the ends of the earth.


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