EM 말씀

Acts 7:51-60, Pay attention to Jesus in glory

관리자 0 443 02.25 09:28
Acts 7:51-60, Pay attention to Jesus in glory

  A sermon includes explanation, proclamation, and challenge. Stephen uses the Old Testament to explain the coming Messiah through Abraham, Moses, and the prophets. He proclaims that He is our Savior, Lord, and Son of God.

And he challenges the audience. 51-53, “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised, you too have always rebelled against the Holy Spirit, murdered the Messiah, and disobeyed the law.” When challenged in a sermon, there are two responses. 1) Ch.3, when Peter challenges them, they “beat their chests, weep, repent, and obey.” 2) The Jews in today’s text are the complete opposite. 54,57,58, “They were pierced in their heart, gnashing their teeth, shouting loudly and stoning him.” Which type are you?

  The audience became angry and threw stones at Stephen. But when Stephen looked up into heaven, he saw the glory of God and Jesus standing there. But why was Jesus standing there? To welcome Stephen, who was to die as a righteous man, Jesus rose up with great joy.

    How did Stephen see His glory? He must have longed for this and prayed for it. He forgave even his enemies with the face of an angel. This is the secret to overcoming hardships. After I see God, when I see myself and my neighbors, I can see His glory. When I see Jesus in His glory who forgave me, heaven opens. He kneels and offers two prayers. 59, 60, He prayed to Jesus, “Receive my spirit.” (Ps.31:5) and “Do not hold this sin against them.”

Dear saints, there are trials big and small in reality. I bless you all to see the glory of God and Jesus standing at His right hand, and to run well until the end and become workers who are used in the Lord's noble work. Amen.
