EM 말씀

Message/Isaiah 11:1-10, Messiah to come, Messiah come

관리자 0 1,169 2021.12.19 06:13
Message/Isaiah 11:1-10, Messiah to come, Messiah come

  Merry Christmas! Christmas is the day when the Messiah (Christ) came into this world 2,000 years ago to save sinners. Worship Jesus as the Messiah and meet Him in depth. Let us hear God's voice through the text.

1. Wait for the True King Messiah (1-5,10)

 The Messiah will come from the stems of Jesse, the father of David. Jesus came and ministered shabbily (53:2-3, the birth in the manger of stable). *Is. 6:13 2S.7:16 *Is there despair in your life? Live with the desires of the Messiah. The Messiah reigns in fear of Jehovah by the Holy Spirit (2-3). The Messiah lived with justice and sincerity (4-5). We should desire the kingdom and live for the weak like the Lord.

2. The Lord came for a true nation of peace (6-9).

If the Messiah rules, it is a nation of peace where beasts, livestock, and children live together (6-8). There is no harm or harm to each other (9). The Lord came for a nation of peace. Let's sing like an angel in the field of Bethlehem, welcoming a baby who has come to the King of Peace (9:6). Luke 2:14. We will need to plant Jesus' peace on this earth in hope of a kingdom of peace. *Let's plant peace, not condemnation. Jesus the Messiah gives peace between us and God, in our hearts. *Hymns #438

3. Bring Jesus the King of Peace to peace and live (Ephesus 2:14-16,22, Matthew 5:9) 

Jesus came as our peace. Eph.2:14-16,22, Matt.5:9. Let's live as peacemakers. Let's wait and look forward to establishing a truly peace country.
We all pray that we will enshrine Jesus Christ, the King of Peace, and live as a blessed Man of Jesus who obeys the Word and achieves peace while seeking the kingdom. Amen.
